Adele Soundalike


Adele Soundalike


From the math’s classroom of 30, to an audience of millions, Abbie Edwards is the sensational star and winner of ITV’S Starstruck and voice of ‘The Adele experience’.


“I adore YOU, you capture Adele’s spirit, we felt your love and vulnerability with that song, you’re a star” – Adam Lambert


“You bought us new levels and it was wonderful” Beverly Knight 


“That was as good as any time I’ve seen Adele sing that song, You are Adele!” Shania Twain 


Abbie Edwards is a teacher, mum and the vocal powerhouse, who blew all four judges and audience away on ITV’s hit show Starstruck with a spellbinding performance of ‘Someone like you’. A performance which had fans claiming ‘She should be in Vegas’. 


Can also provide a 45 minute diva set in addition to the Adele experience

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